Best treatment for gapeworm?

Thanks Bufforps but I'm in the northeast of England :) The vet I've found now is fabulous and if I have any chicken problems I will definitely be going back there :) I just wish I knew about them before!

It's a good thing I'm not squeemish Kathy!!
My gosh that does look painful, poor girl :(
Ahh ok, if you are ever on holiday there or anything they are the people to go to :) they do all animals inc. snakes and reptiles!!!
Maybe there's something going round like that, but my two buff Orpingtons:

Are breathing a bit oddly. They are rattling when they breathe, and make a short "humm" at the end of their breath. Then they sneeze every 10 mins or so, and it goes away. 5 mins later its back. It's been going on for a month or so, any idea???
That's weird as it sounds a little like my Isabel's problem, although she doesn't sneeze too often (but when she does it sounds sort of "flemmy"). No other symptoms either. Baytril did nothing.
Trying a few weeks with Tylan but if no change I will get her swabbed and checked out in case of a fungal infection.

It might be worth trying some antibiotics or getting them swabbed :) x
Yes I'm going to try that thanks very much! I'm taking them to the vets soon
should get them sorted out. Xx

Let us know how you get on!

Isabel's problem also comes and goes, but usually she'll have a good week and I'll think it's gone, the next it's back! Can chickens have allergies? hahahaha
I don't know lol! Could be dust or something!!
I will definitely let you know, we will take her to th vets in about two weeks, it's nothing serious, so..

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