Best treatment for gapeworm?

Can you take one of the hens that was on Baytril to the vet and have him look test her mucous or blood to see what you're dealing with, bacteria, fungus or virus? Be warned, Tylan (Tylosin) injections can cause injection site reactions, so ask your vet about that.


They're not good like that, I asked last time how they can check what problem it was, they made up some excuse I can't remember now and just told me to worm, if that doesn't work let them fight it on their own. I'd also be getting Tylan for their water, I know a lot of people from other english forums who use Tylan and haven't heard of any bad reactions x
Tylan in the water will be fine. I've only used the injectable once on a chicken and it caused little necrotic spots at each injections site.

Thanks so much for all your help Kathy :) I just wish the vets would get back to me, turning into a bit of a joke just for some ABs.
At least my girl seems a bit better than yesterday, just still not eating much x
Grrr, rang back as I was a bit concerned that they still hadn't rang me, and a snotty receptionist was really rude on the phone (she was like that when I went a few months back as well), saying the afternoon surgery has started now and they wont ring until at least half 6............ I know vets are busy but it only needed to be a 2 minute phone call, I'm sure it could of been fitted in in the last 8 hours.
Can you get over the counter pills for yeast infections there? In Canada it's called CanesOral.


I've had a quick search but cannot find that yeast infection stuff over here. Is there another one that is safe for chickens? What do I do with it? x
Are these the same?

I'll try tylan first (if they even let me have some) and see how we go. If no improvement I will try the thrush capsules if they're the right ones.

I wish I could find a good vet round here that actually seemed to care for chickens, but they all just seem to give off this vibe that they think it's ridiculous that I'm taking them to the vet, or they just barely know anything about chickens.
That's the stuff, but it might be hard to get the right dose if it's a capsule with all those little beads in it. I'll have to look it up, but I think chickens get 10-30mg/kg.

That's the stuff, but it might be hard to get the right dose if it's a capsule with all those little beads in it. I'll have to look it up, but I think chickens get 10-30mg/kg.


Thank you!

But yes I'm not sure how i'd work it out as its just one capsule. I'll see if I can find any others x

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