Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

We've lost a few chicks and many eggs to black snakes. One was so fat after gobbling two, month old chicks that it couldn't get back out of the coop. (The chicks were in a dog crate inside the coop.)
That sounds like the stories residents tell to greenhorns to scare them! No snow snakes, thank goodness! In southeast, I've heard that they can survive if released. Not here, thankfully. I'll take the bears and the cold gratefully:)
That sounds like the stories residents tell to greenhorns to scare them! No snow snakes, thank goodness! In southeast, I've heard that they can survive if released. Not here, thankfully. I'll take the bears and the cold gratefully:)
Back then they called us Greenhorns, "chechocko's " LOL I was only there for two winters so was still one when I left I imagine :)
I haven't seen a snake yet but when I got my hens it was toward the end of last summer and they didn't start laying until the very end of last summer but now spring is here and I know snakes are starting to come out. I have seen several oak snakes and a few black snakes and that was before I got my hens so I know they are somewhere out and about but I guess my question is will putting moth balls out all around the pen help with snakes? Someone had mentioned that to my wife so was curious if that would work.
Our house is located under big live oak trees with ivy ground cover. I bought bird netting from Home Depot and the first night after stringing it out I caught 7 copperheads. Works great.
Hey all!
I had a lot of success using these last year. It was unreal! I would come in in the morning to dead chickens! Strangled and appeared as though something was trying to ingest up to the neck then couldn't- ejected it and left them dead on the floor!! Enraging! Such a waste! Ive HAD IT with snakes PERIOD!! My only question- I have seen some big suckers around and killed them with my pitchfork but have never trapped any larger ones! The larger ones are also the worst because they will kill your chickens not just get your eggs! Has anyone snipped the hole to the minnow trap to make it larger? so that a larger snake gets in there and stuck?
ALSO- FYI, the really light plastic bird netting cheap stuff they sell- like the stuff you use to put over your berry bushes and stuff to prevent birds from eating all of them??? That stuff traps snakes! The rattier and old the better! When I've left old discarded pieces around I have found snakes caught in them! A farmer nearby me told me the same thing! He said you need to anchor part of the netting down somewhere so they get really caught up in it and can't get out. So that is something you can use around the rim of your coop or run areas! Just be careful because I'm quite sure chickens can get caught in it too easily!
Awesome! I have caught some with that stuff too but now I am not having luck! That's a lot! Is there a certain way you laid the netting around? Did you anchor it? It seems to me it may be good to tear a few holes in it in order to catch some of the bigger guys? What do you think? Sounds like you had a DEN of copperheads there! Good work!
Hello all.....this is a big issue here in Maryland also. I live next to a state park and the critters just keep coming. Short of getting an mongoose, I did try the netting and have successfully trapped several black snakes, copper heads and garter snakes. Once they get entangled they cannot get loose. They do eat the eggs, smaller chickens, fish, etc. Sorry I do not give them a 'second chance" and just kill them. Just thought you'd like to know the netting does work, again wadding it up a bit to allow the snakes a way to get "into" the netting trap. I used medium sized netting. mickie
What area do you live? I am brand new to chicken raising and was just hit with my first loss. I am over anxious now to rule out every predator, this is a great idea for me.
I am in Southern California.
Appreciate your post,

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