Best Way To Cool Chickens Down


10 Years
Mar 17, 2013
Birmingham, AL
When it is hot outside, what is the best way to keep chickens cool? We put a box fan for now but planned on a ceiling fan in the coop and wanted to see if there were any other ideas
Breeze and good shade are the main things. We haven't lost a bird to heat yet. We run a box fan all summer and the coop is large and very breezy, like a 3 sided coop. We hose down the dirt on really hot days. If one seems to be in trouble with the heat, dunk her in a pail of water.
When it is hot outside, what is the best way to keep chickens cool? We put a box fan for now but planned on a ceiling fan in the coop and wanted to see if there were any other ideas

You can also put a very shallow pan of water in the walkway to cool their feet, which will bring down their temps on those really hot days.
it's soon time to face this dilemma here too. last summer I had two fans in the coop. one pulling air in, and one pulling air out. that barely sufficed. I thought I would lose birds. outside, I used a mister in the shade. they used that a lot. they would just hang out in the mist area during the worst of the day. the misters use a slight amount of water, but make a big difference. I'm not sure they would have made it without the misters and the fans.
Also make so birds have direct contact with soil that is not directly heated by sun. They can scratch small pits and lay down in it. Contact with ground makes so birds can dump heat through feet. Laying down may allow birds to produce less heat through exertion associated with standing.

I also feed birds early in morning and late evening so they are not processing as much food during heat of day. My birds decrease feed intake when it get really hot anyway.
Thanks for all the tips. I misted them once today and have a shallow pan so they can walk in. Dipped their feet in so they knew what to do. Box fan is a big help in there. I hate it is already getting this hot and not even June yet
Make sure you have shaded areas where they're not directly in the sun :) another thing I do is slice up chilled watermelon for them. They love it and it helps keep them cool.
I did the watermelon yesterday because I had some cut up and chilled for myself and because it was hot here I thought it was cold, water in it and sweet. Ours loved it too! We do have shaded areas and I have a bowl that is shallow with water that they are loving!

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