Best Way to Cull Sick Chick?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 12, 2008
New Mexico
What are some possible ways of dispatching a sick chick (2 months old with crookneck/wryneck or some kind of injury)? Any advice appreciated!
Thank you.
A sharp knife or hatchet is the best bet. It's quick.

There are so many old threads about euthanizing a chicken.
Trust me, the best way for the chicken is a quick chop. I've
had to cull dozens of times and have also slaughtered well over
200 meat birds and quail.
One method is to hold bird with one hand grasp head with other and pull in opposite directions. It will break spine and death will follow shortly without pain.

Thanks everyone. This was a question on behalf of a friend but as a chicken-keeper myself it is good and important stuff to know.
Thanks Eagleman for posting this for me. My husband ended up putting a broomstick oer the chick's neck, chin on the ground, and pulled the legs straight up. He said it was a quick, easy snap of the neck. The chick was too small and squirming to use a knife/axe.
I agree with the quick chop method. Yes, breaking the does work, but it's not as quick for the chicken. Breaking the neck severs the connection between the brain and the body and the chicken will stop breathing, but it will be awake and aware until it passes out from lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. Chopping the head off stops the blood flow to the brain almost instantly and the brain lapses into unconsciousness very quickly at that point.

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