Bewildered with a young hen


6 Years
Apr 6, 2015
Portland, Oregon

I have an easter egger mix (bantee and easter egger, presumably) that used to crow like a rooster (I kid you not) at 20 weeks. But then she became my first layer...of adorable green eggs at about 22 weeks. She laid for about four weeks, then went broody. I broke her of it and she started laying again for about a week.

Then she started defecating a bloody mess. She was lethargic, would simply stand in one place all day long. I treated her for coccidiosis (quarantined her) and she is back to a vibrant, sprightly girl--and she is more chatty than she was before she got sick.

Problem is, it's been almost three weeks since she was healed of the coccidiosis, and she hasn't started laying again. No molting is occuring, the others are all laying normally. She is talkative, eats very well, is social and amicable, and appears extremely healthy right now.

Is this normal behavior for a hen? I'm still pretty new, but this seems unusual. I'm just wondering if I may have missed something along the way...

Any thoughts?
Although she has been 'cured' of the coccidiosis, she may still be dealing with some residual damage. Not at all unusual for her to be taking a while to start laying again. Most bantams and bantam crosses do not produce maximum quantities of eggs.
Although she has been 'cured' of the coccidiosis, she may still be dealing with some residual damage. Not at all unusual for her to be taking a while to start laying again. Most bantams and bantam crosses do not produce maximum quantities of eggs.

Thanks sourland!

I wondered about the mixed-breed being an issue. I guess I was getting concerned that it seems to be so many weeks, but they will lay on their own schedule. I appreciate your feedback.

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