Bielefelders not gaining weight


Apr 2, 2023
We’ve started raising our first flock of Bielefelder chickens and are having trouble putting weight on the chickens? We’re feeding fodder made up of barley, wheat, peas, oats, and black oil sunflower seeds at a ration of 1/4lb per bird per day plus some other type of vegetable out of last years garden like pumpkin, squash or sweet potatoes. Our 6 month old rooster and hens are only weighing in at 3- 3-1/2 lbs? It seems like they should be up closer to 8-10lbs. Has anyone else out there feeding fodder had this trouble? Thanks in advance for any advice.
There's not a lot of protein or vitamins in that mix, lots of carbs and fat.
Do you have the nutritional breakdown?
Peas, oats and pumpkin/Squash seeds contain antinutritional qualities and should be fed sparingly.

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