Big news in TEXAS this week!

The governor could still add this to the special session if he wants to. It is up to him. He can add what he wants. Having senator Taylor try to get it added to something else is also a plan B. I hope it gets added on its own because if it gets attached to another bill and that bill does not pass then the chicken bill will die as well. Personally, I don't want that tree bill to pass.

I sent the Governor a card through the mail hoping he would see it asking him to add it. I told him it was only on the senate floor 13 minutes and most of that time was the other senators acting immature and making chicken jokes. Made him aware that it just didn't make it on the schedule for a house vote before time ran out and since the bill has a lot of support it would not take up much time to pass in the special session.

I mailed it to the PO Box and am going to mail another one tomorrow to the street address. Going to put it in a bright colored envelope. Instead of a letter I sent a thank you card (for his service to the state...) and wrote on the inside of the card asking him to add the bill. Hope it made it to his desk. I figured it might have a better chance instead of a letter on plain paper or an email message.

I called Senator Taylor's office today but the lady who has all the latest information is out until Friday. I will call again and report back. The guy who answered the phone was clueless.

Cluck Cluck
Does anyone have any updates on this? Any further correspondence with the Senator's or Governor's offices?

Okay, I just got off the phone with Senator Taylor's office in Austin. The Bill is being approached to the Governor for inclusion and they are very optimistic it will get in. If it does, then the bill will have to pass.

I spoke to their office about including the phrase "including Homeowners Associations," after the "political sub-division" to end the matter once and for all.

CALL! CALL! CALL! We can win this! 1-512-463-0108 (Senator Taylor)

I'm calling the governor right now! 1-512-463-2000.
Just got off the line with the Governor's office. I gave them my heart-filled thoughts. I gave them all the reasons supporting backyard chickens. I poured my heart out to them. They were understanding. Now time will tell.

All of Texas is at stake here with this bill. Please call in support of Texas Senate Bill 1620 for the final session. I hope this effort doesn't fall short and lay an egg, but that it will live and many eggs can be gathered, far and wide.
Good luck to us! To watch the Senate live here is a link. It started at 10:00am and they took a break a little after 11 until noon. I have a feeling not much is going to get done. This first hour was wasted with back and forth blah blah blah. Watch here:

Good grief....they already quit for the day at 12:51pm Nothing is going to get done if they can't stay in the building.
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My home is located in Bexar County, just south of the Kendall County line. Bexar county has no restrictions on chickens, which means it is lawful in the unincorporated area (non-SA City control) to have. Regrettably, there is not much left to the county that SA City hasn't annexed. Fortunately, I live in the unincorporated area, but we presently are being annexed, unless the legislature in the special session passes SB715, to which we will then have a vote.

There is nothing by law preventing me from having chickens. I want the Chicken Bill to pass so it settles the question. Then I can hit my HOA full broadside and scuttle their ship. It's all about the timing of things. All I want is 3-6 hens to lay Jumbo Brown Eggs. That will make me happy. I can put the chicken poo into the composting machine made by envirocycle ( ) along with other household waste to produce compost that I can use, and my neighbors can use as well. It's a win-win all the way around.

My HOA put in their rules a clause which states they have no right to override legislative enactment of law, which is what I posted. I shared this so that anyone else living under the jackboot of oppressive HOA's can see if they have the same article, and if so, fire a full broad side and have your chickens.

I can support HOA's to a point. I don't want my neighbors painting their house hot pink, lime green, or radiant purple. I want folks to keep their yards maintained. But what I do on my property is my business and no one should be able to tell me what I can or cannot do. Nor should I be fined because I want to exercise the liberties given to me by my elected officials by a usurping non-elected, self-imposing, busy-body few who think their ideas for the neighborhood are the only ones who count.

Lets keep pressing for SB1620. This may be the HOA's Alamo!

Unfortunately, there's no way to selectively restrict some people's rights on a property and not others, most of us don't wanna see a lime green house accross the street, but if we agree to an HOA membership, then all rights are gone for everybody who signed up, and the only way to change it is to get on the HOA governing board and dictate what the rules will be. We have an HOA community nearby that allows chickens, horses, livestock etc with the exception of pigs, but is very restrictive about yard maintainence and paint color. If its not the concept of the HOA that bothers you, I might suggest not setting a precedent of breaking their rules because then someone else can come along and get county or state laws changed to allow lime green paint, for instance. (Just an example) I do not personally advocate for HOA's, but it sounds like you do, so I would suggest you look into being on your HOA's board.
Under Texas Constitution, the governor may call a special session, or as many special sessions as necessary to get the work done. All work presented in the special session must be passed.

We need to be positive and pray!
Unfortunately, there's no way to selectively restrict some people's rights on a property and not others, most of us don't wanna see a lime green house accross the street, but if we agree to an HOA membership, then all rights are gone for everybody who signed up, and the only way to change it is to get on the HOA governing board and dictate what the rules will be. We have an HOA community nearby that allows chickens, horses, livestock etc with the exception of pigs, but is very restrictive about yard maintainence and paint color. If its not the concept of the HOA that bothers you, I might suggest not setting a precedent of breaking their rules because then someone else can come along and get county or state laws changed to allow lime green paint, for instance. (Just an example) I do not personally advocate for HOA's, but it sounds like you do, so I would suggest you look into being on your HOA's board.

Hey Blue:

I am not HOA friendly. If there is one, they should only be in control of common areas, and police people who do not take care of their yards, or do anything obnoxious to their property that will decry home values (purple houses, pink flamingos, goofy stuff like that).

Outside of that, HOA's have no legal right to supersede Federal, State, County, or Municipal Law. If the right is granted to the people, the HOA can scream all it wants, but you cannot surrender your rights because of CCR's. If the law says you can, the HOA cannot stop you.

Plain and simple.
Hey Blue:

I am not HOA friendly. If there is one, they should only be in control of common areas, and police people who do not take care of their yards, or do anything obnoxious to their property that will decry home values (purple houses, pink flamingos, goofy stuff like that).

Outside of that, HOA's have no legal right to supersede Federal, State, County, or Municipal Law. If the right is granted to the people, the HOA can scream all it wants, but you cannot surrender your rights because of CCR's. If the law says you can, the HOA cannot stop you.

Plain and simple.

I wish you luck in this, Ive never seen anyone win against an HOA, keep us posted on how it goes, hope you win!

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