Big Raccoon problem!

I tried motion lights, the predators got used to them. I used a radio and that seemed to help. I do have game cameras pointed at the coops and quite frequently see mostly coyotes but they know the electric wire in there. This is behind some of our coops recently early one morning. I see them most every night. I do have chicken wire and welded wire. I have heavy duty netting over the tops of my pens I got several years ago on eBay. 50' x 200' for $125.ºº. My pens are 60' x 200'. I used some other netting 10' x 150', for the extra 10' I needed. So far no penetrations. I had lost some young birds prior to hawks and an owl and had seen eagles.
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@Jacktoo you lost all your birds?!
I lost my Roaster from Flystrike. I didn’t know he was having any problems.. It has been hot and wet out so that really didn’t help the issue.But when I found out it was to late I couldn’t save him. I seen how he was suffering. He was a great Roaster, he always followed me around every we’re I went..
I just lost my two silver laced hens. Brutally killed and looks like a raccoon. We live in town so shooting the dang thing isn’t an option
Figured he unlocked the coop door
So sad we’re my pets for three years . Waiting to catch the brute tonight in live trap
So sad my black and grey are both gone in such a horrible way
The raccoon came back last night and tried getting in the coop but no birds were in it
Have a live trap now to catch it and get it out of town
I have so much to learn. Today my son pointed out the window, saying he saw a fox. No, he saw a coyote, he said. Yep. Right there in the trail to the cornfield was a coyote looking our way. He got my husband’s favorite, Tippy. I had no idea coyotes hunted at 11 a.m.!

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