Biggest Brown Egg Layer


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
Is there one particular chicken breed that lays the largest brown egg? Hubby is asking what I want for Christmas and I'm looking into ordering some chicks online to arrive in Spring. I'm considering ordering Jersey Black Giants, New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, or Barred Rocks.

Thanks for any feedback.
I have a small pool to draw from, but I've had barred rocks, buff orps, rirs and black sex-links. The sex-links lay hands down the larger egg. I'm always thinking they're double yolkers, nope, just big eggs!
My New Hampshires lay really big,gorgeous brown eggs. Many will not fit in an egg carton... but they are in their first season of laying. All are at least as big as an extra large store egg. We get one a day from each chicken.

They are great free range birds and ever so slightly broody as case you were gonna breed them.
I have 4 red sex links, some people call them production reds. They lay extra large brown eggs everyday. They are huge compared to my other laying hens eggs. They have very good temperments also. Got mine from Ideal Hatchery.
My Australorp eggs are bigger and a little darker than my BO's. They also lay better and are a bit friendlier.

No one lays double yolkers, though. Darn.
I've heard sex links lay the biggest but I don't have any of those so can't speak from experience. My BO laid HUGE eggs when she first started laying but they've gotten smaller over the last couple of months. My BA lay consistent large eggs. They're very pretty too, a couple of mine lay speckled ones.
Thanks so much for the feedback. This has helped me narrow things down considerably. I think I may be going in the sex-link direction as well as New Hampshire Reds. I'm pretty sure my Aunt had given me a red sex-link with some other chickens she had to get rid of and she layed huge eggs, one was 6 3/4 inches around. I should have taken a picture of it but of course i didn't, just used it for breakfast! LOL

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