
Not a chance!!!

We all learn by doing - its human nature. If the species learned from the mistakes of others, we might have made more than technological progress in all of recorded history - but our social successes are far less evident. Tribalism remains rampant, and we've still few good answers to the problem of scarcity.
This is painfully true.
There are excellent articles here about both doing new flock introductions, and biosecurity.
It's almost impossible to manage actual separation at home!
Having new chicks next to the flock for a while is an excellent way to ease their way into the resident birds, so that's good.
Bringing in birds from other flocks is always chancy from a disease standpoint, and if you do it, having quarantine involves TOTAL isolation, hospital grade isolation, not very practical at home.
Here we either raise our own, or buy chicks from good hatcheries, vaccinate there against Marek's disease and isolated from our coop for two weeks so they can develop immunity.
We were lucky when we started with chickens, and avoided disasters, but have gotten more careful (paranoia is good!) since then.
~ I think that's been my parenting style all along. Both human and feathered, paranoia! 🤣

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