Bird flu


5 Years
May 12, 2014
Cornwall in the UK

We have had the first case of bird flu in the UK this year and I'm worried about how I interact with my chickens now, I'm quite complacent cleaning out coops without gloves or mask, even though it can be dusty

I kiss and hug them loads, I magpie sure I have a cuddle with everyone of them(27)
Picture love them as pets eggs are a bonus

Now I'm worried about my 'habits' kisses are often snotty( the bird not me) I don't want to be the person who mutated bird flu to spread human to human

I also want m&d birds safe it's seems being completely closed in is the only safe option
I'm going to move food and water indoors but the coop is only big enough to seep in.

They have an enclosed run but it's not solid its chicken wire

Any advice???

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