Bird just flew into my window! Should I do anything?!


Ranger Rick
12 Years
Oct 27, 2007
Southwest Mississippi
A pretty red cardinal just flew into my office window. It's on its back with its legs in the air. Should I intervene? Or just leave it?


I just went out and scooped him into a cardboard box. I didn't touch him. I dont know if he is dead or not. I figure if he wakes up later, I take the box outside and release him.

Thanks, morel

If it hasn't broken it's neck from the collision I will put in in our pet carrier until it comes out of it, then let it go. If you have outdoor cats they usually find it before it can recover. At least that's how it is around my house. We have 3 outdoor cats and they love a fresh birdie.
My DH has always had good results from picking up the bird and holding it cupped in his hands to warm it up. After a while, the bird revives and is calm. (If it's going to revive at all...)
(scared it's going to fly out and eat me)

(peeking in box)

No. I don't think he is breathing. Poor thing. I think he's dead.

Silly birds. This happens a few times a year at my office. Lots of big windows.

We often (too often) have birds fly into our windows, sometimes they hit amazingly hard, and 90% of the time they end up just fine and fly away. We don't intervene any more then going out and checking on them occasionally, but it is probably a good idea to make sure they're not in plain sight. Perhaps you can camoflague it by placing some branches or leaves around it. To tell you the truth, I think the only fatality we ever had was a chickadee who unfortunately chose the coldest day of the year to smash into our window (I think it was about -10 degrees and it froze). We actually did try to intervene with that one and it didn't work. Most likely your cardinal will be fine. Do you have plants or something thing that looks like a bright flower in your window? Sometimes that attracts birds, especially in the winter.
I had a patridge fly into my wndow this fall...biggest thump I ever heard...when I went to see what it was I discovered that it had hit so hard that it had blown it's crop wide we had it for dinner

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