Bird toys?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 23, 2009
So my mom loves the chickens. It's kind of adorable. She asked me if the chickens would like bird toys - like parrot toys? - for the coop for Christmas. And i... have no idea. i'm kind of assuming they are uninterested. But... i might be wrong.

Do chickens and/or guineas like toys?
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Kinda new myself but I think they'd enjoy a head of cabbage or a butternut squash more than a toy. Food is mostly what they are looking for. Have fun!
I don't think so, but you can hang a head of cabbage in the coop and it will keep them entertained, but my personal favorite is buying a bunch of crickets and taking them to the center of the run and turning them loose! I love watching them chase crickets all over the place, it is hysterical!
I've wondered this myself when I go to Petsmart and wander through the bird aisle. I do feed my girls millet stalks for parrots and they love them. They also get a head of cabbage to poke at and they love this as well. I'm thinking they wouldn't be interested in toys, per se. But I am relatively new to chickens, so who knows?
that's a good question. I've never heard of anyone doing that, but I don't see the harm in it, especially if they're spending more time cooped up if it's cold where you're at, might help liven things up a bit
They would probably only have interest in toys that dispense food. There is a parrot toy that is a round wire ball you can put treats in. It usually comes with a bell too. I think they would love that. My chickens didn't care for cabbage, but you could put whatever yours like in the ball.

They might enjoy a new roosting "toy" for the run

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