Bird with injured leg, please help.


May 2, 2016
I'm posting this for a friend.

My 5 month old hen seems to have injured her leg. She is having trouble putting pressure on it. It is not bumblefoot or frostbite and doesn't appear broken. We have tried 1/2 baby aspirin each day (it's been 5 days now) and vitamins (B complex, E, Selenium and poly vi-sol no iron). She will eat and drink if we bring it to her and also tries to walk on it to get to what she wants I noticed today when I touch up near her hip she winces in pain so I'm thinking it's more a hip injury. I've had her soak in Epson salts a couple of times and have her separated from the group living indoors right now. Any suggestions?

My 5 month old hen seems to have injured her leg. She is having trouble putting pressure on it. It is not bumblefoot or frostbite and doesn't appear broken. We have tried 1/2 baby aspirin each day (it's been 5 days now) and vitamins (B complex, E, Selenium and poly vi-sol no iron). She will eat and drink if we bring it to her and also tries to walk on it to get to what she wants I noticed today when I touch up near her hip she winces in pain so I'm thinking it's more a hip injury. I've had her soak in Epson salts a couple of times and have her separated from the group living indoors right now. Any suggestions?

***I have a video to post but it won't allow me to upload an mp4 for some reason. Any suggestions?

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