birdy bra

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7 Years
May 14, 2012
Hertfordshire England
hi all i have a chicken with a crop defect , after many infections she now has a pendulous crop ive been told a birdy bra could help found one online made by crazy k its basically a crop support. but £20 bit expensive on top of recent vet bills and its just material! so home making one myself and have coppied pics from their site but there is no pic of the back! has anyone got one? can you tell me how they attach? are they strapped round the wings or do they go accross the back?
hope someone has a clue what im talking about! ha ha :) thanks
ok the company emailed me back for anyone whos interested. they go over the wing , under between the legs and cross over on the back. ive fasioned her a homemade version and here she is wearing it..... not very clear ill try to get better ones tomorrow x
First of all: It is $20 not 20 pounds, and I do understand the issues with price, but they are hand made and a lot of R&D went into the design and construction, such as determining the right fabric that would stretch appropriately without causing any irritation to the chicken's skin. The Birdy Bra also has a patent pending. I would have preferred that you work with us rather than try to get info out of us so that you could make your own. I make almost no profit out of these because I pay my seamstresses a living wage here in the US. I am making, literally, a profit of only a few dollars. I have seconds, and if you had come clean and explained the issue I would have sent you one at a discount. But instead, I am just appalled to see this post that you called us to steal our design. You should be ashamed of yourself. I do hope your girl recovers and that you don't make something for her that does more harm than good. Regards, Crazy K Farm.
when my husband woke me up this morning he said those chicken bra people are annoyed that you made your own version of the crop support. i laughed and told him to piss off! then he looked at me dead serious and said no seriously their ******,they sent you a message! i am shocked! im sorry your upset that was not my intention but i think you misunderstand me. i emailed you to ask about price and postage and how the bra attaches to the chicken, i was honest with you and said in my email that i have tried to make my own at home but it is a disaster and i need a shop bought product. i have put my version on my chicken because im desperate to try to help her but it is bandage material sewn together and tied at the back it is not strong pretty or suitable for when she goes back outside which will hopefully be very soon . my version is not made to last! i have every intention of ordering from you very soon (if my custom is still welcome!) and can assure you that i was not trying to "get information" from you for any other reason. as for price: your product cost$20 plus you quoted me $20 standard postage to the uk. this will cost me over £20 total. and take a good 2 weeks in my experience to arrive. therefore im doing the best i can with what i have in the meantime. i thought she looked cute and was actually strangely proud of my makeshift attempt and so decided to post a pic on here. i am not ashamed of myself as yo suggest i should be. im proud of the effort im making to save my beloved family chicken. i hope your comment about wishing her well and hoping i dont do her more harm than good was genuine rather than sarcasm as otherwise that was hurtful and unnessarily spiteful. i hope this clears my good name as im not a dishonest or nasty person and feel i have been made to look like i am. thank you shell
sorry forgot to comment on the price issue.
i dont think your product is overpriced at all and understand that you have a living to make and staff to pay and are not making much proffit.
if you had been a shop in my town i would not have hesitated in popping in and buying one imediately, however due to unfortunate circumstances i have had vet bills of roughly £600 this last three weeks alone for my various animals and am left having to be extremely careful with money until next month. due to this causing a delay on any order i could hope to make plus postage time from us to me in uk i decided to try and use what i have for the time being.
my make shift job seems to be helping her to some degree and im sure your professional one will be a godsend if i ever have the pleasure of recieving one. id happily pay the price your asking if i only had it availible! i will be back on tract next week and would like to get my hands on one asap, if as i say my custom is welcome.
You missed the point. The point is that you clearly were asking people who had bought OUR bra how to make it. And you called us never intending to purchase it, but to learn how it is made. That is unethical. Period. And if you had come clean we would have worked with you to get you what you needed at a price you could afford. End of story.
No sorry but you have missed the point! i did and still do want to purchase one from you . the point of my email was to find out how i could do exactly that and how to make something id made work for her until i could get a decent one from you. the objective being both! i never lied, i told you in my email that i had made one myself and that i needed a better one from you. Ive been honest and dont like being made out to be something i am not.
I still want one, it will be your decision to sell it to me or not of course. my only interest is helping my chicken. i tried to copy your design because its good! thats a compliment!!! anyone can copy a picture online and ask questions about its construct thats not unethical unless you mean to sell it on. i dont.
I agree with shell3, she's just trying to help her pet and can not afford either the price or the time at this present moment.
An attitude like that won't sell you many either.
Would just like to say i have ordered a crop support from you and anxiously await it. i am sorry for any missunderstanding and offence caused this was not my intention at all and hope we can put it behind us. my attempt to copy your design really was just a temperary fix in a time of desperation and i look forward to receiving the real macoy! shell x
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