Bisket the Broody: A Voyage into Meat Birds

I have been working on the coop/tractor for the birds when they outgrow the condo...

used pallets from work....3.5 x 8' 3' tall, cost so far 0$
we have poly and chicken wire @ home so I shouldn't have to buy much

I'll post more photos as it progresses.
What a great score! How's the mama and babies?
What a great score! How's the mama and babies?
We have a few more weeks until the eggs hatch. Bisket is doing an awesome job of keep the eggs warm and protecting her nest. When I let her out the other afternoon to free dog went to close to the condo and Bisket charged him.

Here is a photo of him looking after the other chickens :)

His name is Roarke, he is a rescue "Coffee Cup - Off the Chain-Out of the Pit" Bull
Crap, i didnt realize I havent been on this thread in forever!!!

I am sorry I never finished Bisket's story.
I always meant to come back to it.

I started with 12 eggs, (if memory serves) 2 didnt hatch at all and one died in the hatching.
Leavin 9, we had something get into their small coop killing all but three of the babies.
Bisket fought like a warrior and led what ever it was half way across our back yard away from
the surviving chicks.

She stayed with them until close to time to harvest the meat birds. I put her back in the coop with my other six hens. Bless her heart I thought she was going to grieve her self to death over being away from her babies. Plus she lost her place in the pecking order and was picked on awfully.
I don't plan on using a broody to raise meat birds again until I have a bigger place and wont have to separate the Momma and chicks in to a broody coop.

Again I am so sorry I havent updated this thread before now.



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