Biting feet


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
I just got my order of new baby chicks. They all arrived healthy and seemingly happy. Only one ( a Delaware) keeps biting the feet of the others. Practically drags the other poor chick off balance. No signs of blood ( she pecked me - it doesn't hurt) but I'm worried of a leg , or hip, injury for the attacked peep.
Is there anything I can do about this?
What you describe is know as "toe-picking" in chicks. It can be caused by too high temperatures and stress in chicks. Too crowded brooders or too little protein can also result in this. But most commonly when chicks get urges to start pecking on the ground they find chick toes to look like worms apparently. The chicks also may not be able to reach there feeders or get enough to eat. Placing scratch on the ground can help them be distracted by food instead of feet. For the first couple of days in a brooder they should have paper towels covering over pine shaving bedding so they can find food easily on the ground and not inhale pine shavings. You can also try putting a little mustard on the chick's feet. Chickens hate the taste of mustard so this might ward the bully off. It will take one nip of mustard and back away in disgust.
I always have at least one toe/eye pecker in every batch of chicks. Pecking is how they explore their surroundings, and I consider it pretty normal behavior if it isn't excessive. If you add distraction treats (scratch, weeds, lettuce, ECT) be sure to provide grit as well, so they can "chew" that stuff.
And for what its worth, my chickens will eat mustard no problem. And jalapenos, hot pepper flakes and pretty much everything else most people recommend to stop of picking problem. Chickens don't taste like we do, so they don't get the hotness of spicy foods like us. I routinely add hot pepper flakes or cayenne powder to their feeder to deter the mice from eating out of it. The chickens don't mind it one bit!
Good luck with your chicks :)
Thanks to all! I added chick grit and started giving mealworms ( look amazingly like little chick toes. ) and she's content with that! I doubt they are too warm. It says to keep at 95 for the 1st week and if I get it to 95 they run to the other side of the brooder .... Seem to be more active (Move around and eat/ drink)at around the temp thing a hard and fast rule??

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