Black Australorp - pullet or rooster?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 7, 2012
thanks in advance for any advice. I am a new chicken owner, and got what I believe are 4 pullets around 18 weeks old or so. None are laying yet. I am beginning to fear one may be a rooster as I think I hear the beginnings of a crow. But, again I am new to this so very possible it is just a noisy hen. The chicken in question is one of the black australorps...Is it obviously one or the other?

again, thank you for any ideas.
Well, I see pullets. Are both Australorps shown in the photos? The one hiding in the back looks suspicious, but I can't see it well enough to tell.
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thanks for the quick reply. here are a couple of shots of his/her sister/brother

in these shots you can see there is a difference between their comb and waddle size, and also the shape of the tail. It is possible that they are not exactly the same age I suppose.
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I'm not much help. All I can say is that it is possible you have one rooster and one pullet. What kind of sound is it making? Is it stretching it's neck way out and making a stangling noise or just "singing" as it walks around?
I am still becoming familiar with their chatter. But, no..the sounds that leave me wondering are a shrill, almost alarming "squwak" noise that has made me go running to the coop to make sure everyone was ok. It is LOUD.

thanks for your help.
I have a Black Australorp I'm wondering if it's roo as well. I'm so new to chickens I really have no idea. About 8 weeks old and this is the only chicken of this breed that I have and the only one showing such large comb. Any input is appreciated. Hope these pics help.

I have a Black Australorp I'm wondering if it's roo as well. I'm so new to chickens I really have no idea. About 8 weeks old and this is the only chicken of this breed that I have and the only one showing such large comb. Any input is appreciated. Hope these pics help.

That is a young cockerel.

The OP's birds are all pullets. Looks like you should be getting brown eggs soon.

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