Black bellied whistling duck


8 Years
Feb 20, 2011
Douglas, GA
I was thinking about buying a pair of black bellied whistling ducks. Can someone give me some info on them please? Like when they start laying and what type of nest boxes the need.
They lay at two years of age and will start in the spring like most other wild type ducks.
They will lay in a standard ground box or wood duck box with a 5" opening and they will also lay in tall grass.
Mine have always preferred the nest boxes while my white faced whistling ducks prefer tall grass.
The Black Bellied whistlers require the seller to issue a Federal 3-186 when selling them to you.
I know your not supposed to advertise here but I do have a pair for sale if you are interested along with other wild ducks.
Mark Hall
Huntsville, AL
[email protected]
Tisk Tisk MR. HALL!!!!!
Thanks for the info. I am the one that bought 6 apricot wood ducks from you. I will get back to you about getting some more ducks from you.

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