Black Cochin Roo 1 year old with RED FEET: Normal or diseased? Pictures.


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 27, 2012
Canada, British Columbia
Hello! We have a small flock of Black Cochins and our Roo is just turning one year of age. This year in Victoria BC Canada it is extraordinarily wet but not cold (above 5 most winter days) and our poor Cochins feet are suffering from the mud and wet. I noticed a few weeks back that our roo, Mr. Wattles, had red marks on his legs and feet. We have been watching the whole flock and no one else has signs of irritation. Mr. Wattles is just his normal happy self, not limping or showing discomfort.
Is it just normal?

Right foot:

Right foot with normal coloured toes of left in background:

Right foot with feathers lifted:
Looks normal to me. I would give them plenty of roost space to be able to get away from the mud and muck. But he looks fine.

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