Black copper Maran chicks- I have a question...


10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
I have the option of buying some bcm chicks for $5 each. Is that a fair price? I have baught baby ducks for that price so why not a chick, I have seen the parent stock and they come from 3 different lines, the people who are selling them breed to standards and are responsible owners, I am wondering if i should take the plunge and travel the 2 hours to get them.. Information/opinions would be appreciated. thanks!
Go for it!
If they are quality chicks I would pay it.

ETA: If you are wanting these for dark eggs I would ask to see pictures of the eggs that the parents are actually laying. Some BCMs lay a darker egg than others etc.
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Yeah that's a good price! I have a guy coming in to pick up 2 1/2 week old chicks for $12 each and I have two lines. But they're well off and all my chicks seem to hatch out as pullets (I have yet to see a cockeral out of 100 hatched).

When we went to get our birds, it was a 1 1/2 - 2 hour drive!
Sometimes ya just gotta travel!
We're hoping to go get more to add to our stock and will be driving 4 hours to get 'em!
That is what I sell junk chicks for, so i can't see you going wrong at that price. If you are expecting to get really dark eggs, don't buy chicks unless they hatched from really dark eggs, and even then it was a gamble. You will NOT get dark eggs from chicks hatched from hens that lay light.
I have seen a person (sort of locally) selling these also for $5.00 on craigs list. They claim the chicks are from three good lines. (If you are in the Pacific Northwest then maybe we are looking at the same ones. This person is located in Kelso Wa.) I might check into getting one or two if they are from dark eggs and if they are available in early April. The person selling them is about 45 minute drive from my house.

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