Black Copper Maran hen refuses to integrate - continually attacks others


In the Brooder
Aug 23, 2022
San Marcos, TX
So when my ISA Brown girls were about 2 months old I picked up a 6 month old Black Copper Maran hen. Being new and not knowing any better, I just put her in the pen we were keeping them in the house. That did not go well as she constantly attacked them and kept them away from any food or water. So I separated them so they could see each other. The Black Copper Maran would attack any who got close enough for her to do so through the wires. I had to block of the view to the Brown's feeder because the BCM would lose her shit if she saw them eating. I got the tractor(6'x12'x7') ready for them about 2 months later and put them together, hoping for the best. Nope. The BCM hen went back to attacking the Browns and keeping them away from food and water. I had 2 feeders and waterers on different ends of the tractor and it became a round and round where the BCM would see a Brown or group eating or drinking, then run over and scare the Browns away. I put a block up so you couldn't see either water or feeder from the other. That just led to the BCM hen constantly patrolling the feeders and waterers and running off any Browns around them. When let out to free range, the BCM would run over and scare off any group of Browns if they seemed to find a good spot. The Browns were very wary about grouping up as this seemed a sure cue for the BCM to come over and start harassing them. When it came to roosting, the BCM would actively attack any who tried to get on the roost after her or within 3 feet or so of her on the same bar or the one opposite(there are 2 6' bars at equal height). I let it go for 2 weeks to see if they'd work it out, but, again, no joy. The Browns will not stand up to her and she doesn't seem interested in joining or taking over the flock, just beating them up and generally terrorizing them.

Right now she's in a dog crate in the tractor with the others. I've been throwing the morning scratch alongside the crate and some into the crate for the BCM. Since the BCM hasn't been allowed out to free range with them they've become so much more of a flock, foraging together, they also just seem generally more relaxed and happy. My current plan is to basically leave her in there until all the Browns start laying(should be around the end of September to early October). Maybe give her another month in the crate after that before giving integration another shot. Something that seemed hopeful was seeing one of the Browns stare her down through the bars. I've even seen the more adventurous girls stealing scratch from the edge of the BCM's crate. Maybe after 2 or 3 months in the crate the Browns will be mature/brave enough to stand up to her.

If this doesn't work. I have no idea what to do next except make a really expensive chicken stew.
That's a good plan, crate her for at least two weeks, up to a month. That should help.
Thanks! She managed to snag a feather off a girl who got too close today. However, I could swear two of the girls were making a game of running back and forth near the crate and making her run from one end of the crate to the other. They kept dashing back and forth for no apparent reason other than it seemed to irritate the BCM. But maybe that's me reading too much into it.
Sounds like she's immature, and wants to be top hen but doesn't know what that means. (Keeping an eye out for danger, making sure the others respect her space, and letting the flock of chickens be chickens). So she's overdoing it a lot.
Are she and the Isa browns closer to the same size? I have a hen that will do exactly what you describe to anyone smaller.

Your plan should work. Consider getting her a same size buddy
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