Black Copper Maran


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Santa Fe, New Mexico
sorry if this is in the wrong section, but i was wondering about a craigslist ad. It is selling BCM chickens for $100.00 a pair. That seemed expensive, but am I just weird? Any opinions are helpful.
Depending on the line they come from that is the going rate. After all, its the only egg James Bond will eat
Well in the story and all, yea.

I want some too, but can afford them and DH would KILL me if I spent that on "worhtless chickens that are probably going to get eaten by a fox anyways" (I really love him but sometimes....) so I am waiting for a lady a few hours from me to get some fertile eggs from her young trio...
Black Copper Marans can get very pricey, especially if they are hard to get in your area. Also, I have seen a dozen Black Copper Maran hatching eggs go for as much as $300 a dozen.
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dont let the name of the bloodlines fool you. if the quality of the bird is good and the egg color is good then what ever they are worth to you is a fair price!
Some people are paying a lot of money for names that are thrown around alot. People are assuming since a name is popular the birds must be good..... this is NOT the case!
There are a lot of outstanding breeders out here that only breed to better the bird.... and are not out there to get rich quick.
I base my pricing on what they are worth to ME..... some are rather expensive (if I really dont want to sell them... like a $500 peacock!) and there are other birds that are free
Well I'm not selling any of my flock, because I adore them, but I will sell the hatching eggs or baby chicks:

Here's a pic of the flock which came from Copper King who is selling out his flock and one of the shipments:



White eggs were there just for comparison of color. The white eggs were double yolkers and we enjoyed eating them!

We also hatch out the baby chicks if you prefer.

Ours are from the Wade Jean line, C-1 gene, feathered leg and purebred.

Please pm if you are interested in Eggs, or chicks. We started with chicks and I've enjoyed seeing them grow up.

They are separate penned and cared for with great attention, feeds, grains, fresh veggies from our garden and much attention.

Thanks for letting me share about our some of our flock. We have over 12 breeds of poultry for sale now and hope to continue expanding....
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