black francolin info


Warrior Princess
11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
does anyone have or know info on black francolins? looking for info on diet, housing, care and cost. thanks
I think Spectrum Ranch has or had them.
well, spectrum's pm box is full, so can anyone tell me if these are hard to find?
If you know the right places to look they might be findable....they don't seem to be something that you hear a whole lot about. Though, I've never tried looking for them specifically.

Eggbid has them on there every once in a while. Right now there's a pair of yellow neck francolins listed on there.
They are not hard to find there are several breeders in the US that raises them. I use to raise them but sold my breeders. They are easy to raise they are a little flighty it best to have them in a pen with a lot of cover to hide in. We fed our a 20% lay feed. They are around 100.00 pr. There been several pair on eggbid most of them are well know breeders that has listed them.
someone near us has them advertised, but i'd never heard of them. after i read up i thought they would be neat to have in the mix of quail and chickens i already have. can you keep quail and chukars together as long as it's not the breeding season?
salam and i know about kala titar (black francolin)

The Black Francolin, Francolinus francolinus, is a game bird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes, gallinaceous birds. It was formerly known as the Black Partridge. Black Francolin had earlier been hunted and netted extensively thus resulting in considerable decrease in population. Now, with hunting ban in force, they are making a gradual comeback. This is a very unobstrusive species, best seen in spring when the male sings a mechanical kik-kik-kik from a mound. The Black Francolins are usually seen in pairs or small droves of up to five birds. They leave the undergrowth early and late in the day to feed in the fields, never staying too far from the thicket cover. These birds are secretive, shy and suspicious of humans, and thus hard to observe and photograph. They are Fast runners and move along the ground when approached and fly only when the end of cover is reached. They fly strong, fast and low to the next thicket patch. Erckel, Black, and Gray Francolins were all imported and released in several states during the 1950s and 1960s. The mainland populations did not survive, while all three francolin species thrived in Hawaii. Black Francolin are rare among most Francolinus species in that there is pronounced sexual dimorphism. The males have black faces, chin and breast separated by a chestnut collar; white cheek patches are the most noted feature, these oval-like patches are behind and slightly below the eye. Females are brown with black and white barring; the most noted feature is the rust colored half-collar on the napeolor is found mainly on the back of the neck.

The head of the Black Francolin is curved with brown iris eyes color and unique pattern of brown color crown and the throat color is black. It has a length range of 33 to 36cm and weight approximate about 453 g (16 oz) and the size of Black francolin is 9 to 16 inches. The primary color is black with black breast rufous belly, white spots on flanks and golden brown spots at the back of body. The flight pattern of Black Francolin is short, direct flight punctuated by glides with rounded wings, rounded tail narrow black and white bars.
The male Black Francolin is black with white patch on the cheek, a chestnut collar and white spots on the flanks. The back and wings are scalloped with shades of golden brown with sub-terminal tawny-buff bands and pale edges. Tail is black with narrow white or greyish bars. Legs are reddish-brown to red.
The female is mainly brown, but has a chestnut hind neck. The extent of the white spotting on the flanks varies substantially across the species' range and the depth of colour of the females similarly varies. The female has the upper plumage, wings and tail as in the male but the black is replaced by mottled brown and the brown bars on the lower back and tail are wider. Female is similar but dull with no cheek patch, and collar is replaced with a nuchal patch. Head and under parts are buff where the male shows black. Rump and upper tail coverts light brown.

Black francolins appear to be found in scrubby habitats with plenty of cultivated crops tall enough to offer shelter and open beneath to provide escape routes and easy travel. They prefer the areas of thick vegetation, usually near water. They are not forest birds but will frequent brush land and wood edges associated with grass land. They appear to be more closely associated to water than chukars are, and in drier areas.
Francolins normally nests in a bare ground scrape from late March to May. The male may be seen standing on a rock or low tree attracting attention with its extraordinary creaking call. It may be heard all day long in April, during nesting, and less persistently in March and May as well as the summer months. Both parents tend chicks after hatching. Young stay with parents through their first winter. The most likely breeding locations Savanna, Grasslands, Scrub vegetation areas under the cultivated crops. They have a loud call during the breeding season. Males may also become aggressive during the breeding season, make sure there is plenty of cover and escape routes for the hen and it maybe necessary to house her separate and allow limited access for breeding only. They are generally monogamous in the wild and it is best to house only pair per aviary. Well planted aviaries with little surrounding traffic would be best for breeding. They are fairly winter hardy, but always provide some shelter during the coldest months breeds from late March to September depending on the
The normal Clutch size between 10 to 14 eggs and only the hen incubates the eggs, the incubation period is 18 to 19 days and the breeding season is April to June and the young ones will appear in April through October.
Forages (plant, leaves, and stem) on the ground and eats a wide variety of seeds and insects. May also eat small mealworms and wax worms, but be careful when feeding to chicks as they are prone to toe-picking. Food consists mainly of grain, grass seeds, fallen berries, shoots, tubers, termites, ants and insects.
The color of the egg is white-spotted Olive or pale brown.
The black francolin only flies when disturbed. It has a Pheasant’s explosive flight, but prefers to creep away unseen.

Monogamous (The condition of having only one mate during a breeding season or during the breeding life of a pair)
The call of the Black Francolin, described as a loud ringing klik cheek-cheek-cheerakik or "kik-kik-kik"," kwee-kweeeee-kwee" can be heard in the mornings and evenings and almost all day during the breeding season. The male calls standing on a earth mound, bund, rock or a low tree branch and is soon joined by other birds answering from all directions.

Gray Francolin has grey-brown and buff body, buff instead of black throat, and lacks rufous collar.
It is a resident breeder from Kashmir, Cyprus and south-eastern Turkey eastwards through Iran to southwest Turkmenistan and northeast India. Its range was formerly more extensive, but over-hunting has reduced its distribution and numbers.
Middle East to Bangladesh;
Fragmented populations in the w. part of its range; [1,000,000km2];
(1) Cyprus. S. Turkey (Amik Golu). Syria and Israel (Hula Valley). Asia Minor e. to n. Iraq and n. Iran (Caucasus) and Transcaucasia.
(2) S. Iraq and w. Iran.
(3) S. Iran e. to s. Pakistan.
(4) S. Pakistan e. to w. India (Kutch, Gujarat). The Kutch population may be introduced. S. Afghanistan?
(5) N. India e. to w. Bihar and Orissa.
(6) The e. Himalayas to ne. India (Assam and Manipur), Sikkim to Bangladesh. Introduced to the Caucasus, Marianas Is. (Guam), and Hawaiian Is. (Hawaii, Kauai, Maui). Formerly in the se. United States (sw. Louisiana and s. Florida) and sw. Europe.
i hope u understand nd i am also big fan of francolins....
I am interested in purchasing fertile teetar eggs for hatching. Can someone provide me some contacts where I can get them? Thanks

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