Black mites eating up my rooster


In the Brooder
May 22, 2016
My RIR rooster started limping about a week ago. We went out at night and captured him to get a look at what was going on. I saw tiny black mites crawling on his legs, but his legs looked okay, no lifted scales. I cleaned his legs and feet and smothered them in Vaseline. We decided we would check the hens the following night. We cleaned the coops and run, sprayed sevin and powdered the new chips, floors and run with sevin. We checked the rooster again first and I soaked his legs, feet in Epsom salts. I then went to checking his body and he was red and raw underneath. We sprayed him with a poultry lice and mite product. I'm beside myself, we had used DE thinking that would keep any off this from happening. Will mites cause my rooster to limp? Not sure what to do...
DE is worthless when it comes to chickens, throw it away.
Invest in a permethrin based spray and treat all chickens and the Coop to get rid of the mites.
Look at the bottom of his feet for signs of bumble foot.
DE is worthless when it comes to chickens, throw it away.
Invest in a permethrin based spray and treat all chickens and the Coop to get rid of the mites.
Look at the bottom of his feet for signs of bumble foot.
Yep, I see now DE is worthless! We did use permethrin on them last night. Do you know how many treatments it may take? I also checked for bumblefoot and saw nothing but that's why I soaked his feet and legs in Epsom salts, to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Both upper legs, where the feathers are, underneath, was so red and raw, could this cause enough pain and inflammation to cause the limping?
Yep, I see now DE is worthless! We did use permethrin on them last night. Do you know how many treatments it may take? I also checked for bumblefoot and saw nothing but that's why I soaked his feet and legs in Epsom salts, to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Both upper legs, where the feathers are, underneath, was so red and raw, could this cause enough pain and inflammation to cause the limping?
Did you spray inside the coop too?

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