black neck swans


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
My Coop
My Coop
we have black swans and egyptian geese on my parents lake also wild giant canada geese. Nothing else can handle egyptians. My parents really want black necked swans and have a place to get a pair. I don't think its a good idea. The black swans are good they are peaceful as long as nothing bugs them and will put geese in their place. But I don't know black necks that welll arent they smaller than giant canada geese? Would they get bullied?
we have black swans and egyptian geese on my parents lake also wild giant canada geese. Nothing else can handle egyptians. My parents really want black necked swans and have a place to get a pair. I don't think its a good idea. The black swans are good they are peaceful as long as nothing bugs them and will put geese in their place. But I don't know black necks that welll arent they smaller than giant canada geese? Would they get bullied?
There are black neck swans and Egyptian geese on a lake near my Mom's in FL. The Egyptian Geese came on their own, they are wild exotics in Florida and go where they please. They get along just fine.
The swans are pretty big, bigger than these small geese. But I don't know how big your Canada geese are--are they bigger than the Canada geese we see here in the midwest? Are your parents also in Canada? Do these swans do okay in cold winters?
black neck swan 1.jpg black neck swan 2.jpg Egyptian goose.jpg
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we have black swans and egyptian geese on my parents lake also wild giant canada geese. Nothing else can handle egyptians. My parents really want black necked swans and have a place to get a pair. I don't think its a good idea. The black swans are good they are peaceful as long as nothing bugs them and will put geese in their place. But I don't know black necks that welll arent they smaller than giant canada geese? Would they get bullied?
Australian Black Swans are pretty territorial. Depending on how big you're lake is, you may be able to keep both, Black necks are a little bigger than the large race of Canadian geese. Geese and Swan's speak different languages, they probably wouldn't mix if given the opportunity.
I had a 25 acre lake. I had ducks, geese and swans and they rarely socialized between the various groups. However the swans and geese were highly territorial and protective during breeding season.

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