Black Orpington: Pullet or Rooster ???!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
This is Inky out 3.5-4 week old black orpington we have had for 2 weeks. We think it is a she due to her very small pale comb compared to 2 of the others her age when we bought her. The others chicks combs were bigger and had more color. But my chick has high tail feathers and LARGE feet/legs. We adore this chick and are crossing our fingers and toes Inky is a she... Any thoughts!!!!?

thoughts ??!
& I think She's going to be beautiful !
Welcome to BYC!

As for sexing, I'm thinking that it's a 50/50 chance as a pullet or roo. I'm thinking pullet, but there's still the probability it's a cock. You'll know for sure in a month.
Thanks everyone! Inky is so sweet! I just got done hanging out with the chicks ( i know i'm a dork! but I just love them) she flew onto my shoulder and hung out for quite awhile cooing .... Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Thanks everyone! Inky is so sweet! I just got done hanging out with the chicks ( i know i'm a dork! but I just love them) she flew onto my shoulder and hung out for quite awhile cooing .... Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Nothing better than hanging with the babies and then the teens and then the big girls! I love going out and sitting with my girls!!! Right now I have babies and big girls so I spend a lot of time in the coop!!! :)

BTW...I think your baby is a pullet, too!! Fingers crossed!
Thanks everyone for the responses... I'm still convinced Inky is a she. Here is a picture of her aprox 4.5-5 weeks. I think she is so gorgeous, he disposition is so quiet and calm, LOVES to be held! Thanks again! - Annie

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