Black Snakes out already

I killed my first one Tuesday can out this stuff called "snake away" around the outside of your pen and it has worked for me in years past
I generally don't have a problem with black snakes. Only once have I lost eggs to one so that snake ended up being dispatched. Once he knew that there was a free egg buffet, he started visiting on a regular basis.
Otherwise, I leave them alone - black snakes will keep other snakes out of the area. A very good thing when you live in an area with poisonous snakes
I generally don't have a problem with black snakes. Only once have I lost eggs to one so that snake ended up being dispatched. Once he knew that there was a free egg buffet, he started visiting on a regular basis.
Otherwise, I leave them alone - black snakes will keep other snakes out of the area. A very good thing when you live in an area with poisonous snakes
Dont Geese do the same thing? and with my mom so deathly afraid of snakes i need to get rid of them
I hate snake. We have all different types in our yard. the worst is the rattlesnakes. last year we shot and killed two behind our house. we shot a third one in the front yard but it turned out to be a rat snake. he was eating our eggs and killed atleast one chicken so i didn't feel to bad about it.
Sprinkle a few moth balls around the outside of your coop and run and it will keep them away. if your chickens are free range then i would get a few plastic containers with a screw on lids, poke holes in them and put the moth balls in there. Then place them around where your chickens usually hang out.
I posted this before about moth balls.. I know it works but I wouldn't just place the mothballs on the ground because it could be dangerous to birds and animals that may eat them...

below is a cheap way of containing mothballs and it does work..

>>I dont have a problem with snakes...but I know a guy that did... he takes 10' pieces of 3/4" pvc pipe and drills 1/8" holes about every 4 to 6 inches in it...then puts in the moth balls and caps the end without glueing them so he can re-add the moth balls... he then lays the pipe on the ground around the areas that snakes come in..... the pipe keeps birds and animals from eating the moth balls........<<
Just so you know, these black snakes you are all talking about are either Black Rat Snakes(very beneficial to have around) or if you are really lucky, Indigo Snakes. I hope to God none of you have killed Indigo snakes. BIG no-no.

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