
8 Years
Jul 4, 2015
Okay so I looked to try to find an answer but I can’t! I understand some of the genetics of blue-splash-black but I’m still a bit lost. I purchased three silkies from a blue splash Silkie breeding trio. I saw the trio myself and they were in fact beautiful splash silkies. All three chicks I purchased are black, but supposedly carry a blue gene? If I understand correctly, any black chicks hatched from a splash pair carry one blue gene (please correct me if I’m wrong!)

So if I were to breed these silkies, as black silkies but from a splash trio, what could the chicks look like? Will a percentage be black, splash, and blue? Or all splash? Or all black?

(I do have pictures of the adult trio I bought the chicks from if posting it would help! She told me they were Blue Splash but with breeding I know it takes a splash to a blue or black to create any black offspring doesn’t it?)
Okay so I looked to try to find an answer but I can’t! I understand some of the genetics of blue-splash-black but I’m still a bit lost. I purchased three silkies from a blue splash Silkie breeding trio. I saw the trio myself and they were in fact beautiful splash silkies. All three chicks I purchased are black, but supposedly carry a blue gene? If I understand correctly, any black chicks hatched from a splash pair carry one blue gene (please correct me if I’m wrong!)

So if I were to breed these silkies, as black silkies but from a splash trio, what could the chicks look like? Will a percentage be black, splash, and blue? Or all splash? Or all black?
Edit to add! I read that splashxsplash breeds 100% splash but the splash silkies were the only silkies this woman had on her farm and the chicks I bought are 100% Silkie, five toes, black skin, the Silkie feathering. So I’m almost positive they did come from this splash breeding trio, so does that mean there’s a hidden gene somewhere in her trio? Or that splash can produce black splash somehow? The chicks I have are all black, but with grey and whitish feathering around certain areas like their necks, around their wings and their tails.
The blue gene is partially dominant. It cannot be carried unseen. Splash has two copies of the blue gene, so Splash birds can only pass on blue genes to their offspring and all chicks from a Splash pair will be Splash. So something else is going on here.

I'm assuming you didn't get any pictures of the parents. What about pictures of your chicks? Silkied feathering unfortunately makes it hard to see when other things are going on in the plumage, such as patterning or leakage. The chick down coloring might give a few clues as to what might be hiding there genetically, however.
The blue gene is partially dominant. It cannot be carried unseen. Splash has two copies of the blue gene, so Splash birds can only pass on blue genes to their offspring and all chicks from a Splash pair will be Splash. So something else is going on here.

I'm assuming you didn't get any pictures of the parents. What about pictures of your chicks? Silkied feathering unfortunately makes it hard to see when other things are going on in the plumage, such as patterning or leakage. The chick down coloring might give a few clues as to what might be hiding there genetically, however.
I have pictures of the parents and the chicks!


These are the hens and Roo the chicks supposedly came from! So are those hens splash and the Roo is just black then? Because I was confused how black showed through on the chicks with two splash parents.


These are the chicks! They’re mainly black but just have that soft grey or white here and there but it could also just be light feathering compared to the thicker parts.
It may be the lighting in the pictures, but the rooster looks Blue to me and so do the chicks. Blue x Splash should produce some of each color, so getting three Blues out of that crossing would make perfect sense. 🙂
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I’ve been racking my head because all the things I’ve been trying to research and educate myself on we’re telling me splashxsplash only made splash.
So if that’s the case, and please correct me because like I said I’m trying to learn as much as possible!, but if I were to breed these silkies, because I have one I’m thinking may be a Roo due to his comb already being a bit chunky and past the beak, would they produce black, blue, and splash offspring in percentages?
This silkie was sold as blue, she looks black but when next to my black australorp I can see the difference. Like mentioned above, silkie feathering makes it hard sometimes to see the true color. I think yours are blue too!
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I’ve been racking my head because all the things I’ve been trying to research and educate myself on we’re telling me splashxsplash only made splash.
So if that’s the case, and please correct me because like I said I’m trying to learn as much as possible!, but if I were to breed these silkies, because I have one I’m thinking may be a Roo due to his comb already being a bit chunky and past the beak, would they produce black, blue, and splash offspring in percentages?

Yes, Blue x Blue produces roughly 50% Blues, 25% Blacks, and 25% Splashes in the offspring.
This silkie was sold as blue, she looks black but when next to my black australorp I can see the difference. Like mentioned above, silkie feathering makes it hard sometimes to see the true color. I think yours are blue too! View attachment 3593822
Oh my goodness she’s pretty! She does look like the same coloring as my chicks, so I’m excited to know for sure I have blue silkies! ,

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