Black spots on cockerels comb

If you can post a picture, it might help determine the cause, such as peck wounds, fowl pox, or something else. Here is an example of peck wounds:

looks like pox i had some and it really did in one of my hens (i had to put her down) and didn't faze my two ros (cleared up on its own) i have heard horror stories
I have experienced some frostbite in the tips of a couple of my roosters with large combs. It can be hard to prevent, especially in the coldest months, but try to have overhead ventilation to help remove humidity, while preventing direct drafts. Clean up any wet spots or water spills, since humidity and weather, rather than just cold temperatures cause frostbite. Frostbitten tips will sometimes round off if the frostbite is severe.
Makkitta I'm sorry i looked at the wrong pics. eggcessive is right it looks like frost bite my rooster had it last year when winter hit so fast. he has a rounded comb now, I'm sorry if i worried you by posting a random its pox I'm sorry i will be more careful from here on.

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