Black spots on comb


Sep 11, 2015
Black spots on new rooster's comb. They seem to flake off reasonable easily. Pecking injuries, fowl pox, frostbite, ???

He's pretty and his feathers look super soft!

That doesn't look like fowl pox to me. The specks are probably pecking injuries and most likely some frostbite on the tips of his comb.
He's pretty and his feathers look super soft!

That doesn't look like fowl pox to me. The specks are probably pecking injuries and most likely some frostbite on the tips of his comb.
Thanks! I've never dealt with these spots before and wasn't sure what to make of this. All the pecks in our flock were of the 'omg a comb spike is missing' variety...

He is sitting tight in quarantine for the next few weeks, so we're trying to check up on things before we let him out.
He's by himself? Then definitely keep an eye on those black spots. Since he's new, if he was in with other chickens it would be likely it's pecking, but by himself must be something else. Hopefully someone else will have something to say.
We just got him (and a hen he's in quarantine with) recently, and he came with those spots (and some lice :( that we're treating). The spots don't seem to be getting more/less.

Edit: I'm kind of leaning to not-pox as I've been looking into it more, and it seems to be carried only by mosquitoes. They haven't been around for several months. Unless the disease could pass back and forth reservoir style in a flock or go into a latent phase that pops up from time to time in the same individual...?
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What environment was he kept in when you got him?.Looks like pecking sores and frostbite.
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What are you using for lice? Permethrin liquid spray 5% or permethrin garden dust are very effective in treating lice, used a couple of times at 7 day intervals. Just spray to area where the bugs are seen. Then check to make sure they are no longer a problem. There are mainly 3 types of lice, most commonly ones under the vent, or other types that get under wings or around the neck.
What environment was he kept in when you got him?.Looks like pecking sores and frostbite.

I hope it is! I believe he was outside in a large mixed flock and may have been given the what-for by unimpressed LF roosters and their hens. Which is sad, as so far he's been a tidbitting gentleman. It's been a cold but also fluctuating temp winter, though I don't know what numbers would cause frostbite.

He and his pullet got permethrin shampoo baths, a liberal dusting of permethrin powder on them and their sand substrate, and will get frontline drops in a couple days. He has/had a very heavy load for such a small bird, but seems happy/eating well and shiny.

Edit: Check on him this morning, his comb is turning a bit white at the tips. Very odd. Frostbite is usually white->black, right? Some sort of fungus...?


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