Blacksnake caught!!! Picture included with my poor silkie in belly.

I think the lesson for your son wasn't "vengence" but rather, "we need to protect our birds better". After all, snakes will be snakes. Killing one will not protect your chickens, others will come after it.

I wouldn't try to teach irrational fears or anger, rather prudence and proper care of your flock.

Agree. I realize the snake killed two pets, but they were already dead and killing the snake didn't bring them back. I would feel differently about harming the snake , in order to save them, if it was in the process of attacking one of my chickens but in this case, I would have relocated it far away. I just don't see the point in killing anything just to kill it or to get even with it. But, I realize I am out numbered here...
I think the lesson for your son wasn't "vengence" but rather, "we need to protect our birds better". After all, snakes will be snakes. Killing one will not protect your chickens, others will come after it.

I wouldn't try to teach irrational fears or anger, rather prudence and proper care of your flock.

Agree. I realize the snake killed two pets, but they were already dead and killing the snake didn't bring them back. I would feel differently about harming the snake , in order to save them, if it was in the process of attacking one of my chickens but in this case, I would have relocated it far away. I just don't see the point in killing anything just to kill it or to get even with it. But, I realize I am out numbered here...

Yeah, but in Paradise, you don't have to worry about such things.
Sorry to hear about your losses, You did what had to be done. Hope your little guy feels better soon, it is hard to lose a pet. Good piggy give the pig an extra treat for doing a good job.
If I don't bother the snake, he won't bother me.
If the snake doesn't bother me, I won't bother him.
That's my creed.

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I’m in the process of trying to catch a snake right now. It ate two of my daughters Coy. One was her favorite. If I trap it and it’s non-poisonous and I get to it first it MAY get relocated. If it’s poisonous or my wife or daughter get to it first it’s dead meat.
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if the snake killed your chicks, you had every right to kill it....i've always heard snakes are a product of the devil. i thiink per the bible that god made a curse upon them to have to crawl on their bellies. just my thoughts ...i think we should not try to judge anyone's decision to take care of something like a precious chick. sorry for your loss.
Personally I would not have killed the black snake, I'd have blocked off where he got in, but that's just me, I happen to believe black snakes keep rat/mice populations down and keep the more dangerous snakes like copperheads, away.

But that's a personal call, each individual has to decide what is best for them and theirs.

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