Bleeding from eyes, discharge from eyes, unable to walk without falling over

Yes, she was not doing well. It was without a doubt too late. I was concerned when I first posted that there was some nasty sickness that was about to effect the whole flock. Fortunately within 20 minutes I was able to figure out the cause. Or what I am 99% was the cause. I do not intend on getting more ducks for Swan. She grew up (from 3 days old) with 3 of my chickens. They are always next to each other, even if the ducks swim the chickens will be right on the bank of the water until the ducks are done. My parents are not fans of the ducks because of the mess they make, so another reason I will not be adding more ducks. If Swan doesn't do well on her own, their neighbors have a pond and several ducks--so, if she starts to get depressed she will have a home over there with no questions asked.

I had to move from the home I was in and my new place doesn't allow chickens and ducks--I am very thankful for my parents taking on my flock of 8 and this hobby of mine. Although we have had some losses from predators, my dad has become addicted to this hobby. He has even added a few chickens of his own to the flock. From my original 8, I only have 4 left. Foxes and Coyotes are in abundance here on their 50 acres compared to my wooded 4. They now only get to free range while my parents are home, until they get a bigger fenced in/safe area. Many lessons have been learned since their move up here! I will say this fertilizer issue has been the worst--totally avoidable and sad to witness. Lesson to everyone--it is never diluted.
Hi everyone. Thank you so much for help and concern. Unfortunately, it was too late for Ally. It happen quickly and she was very very far gone. It was horrible. My Dad feels pretty guilty! Although a smart man--in his head he thought filling up the cup with water and dumping it once wouldn't be a threat as the fertilizer was dumped, washed out, and filled again. As diluted as it gets. He just didn't think. :( He and my mother are both very aware of how these feathered friends can and will get into anything possible. So lesson learned today for us all.

So far--Swan, my other duck is showing no signs of ingesting it or any of the chickens.

Sad day around here!


Like @jtn42248 , I didn't think she was going to make it from your initial description. I could explain why but won't since it's of no help to you now.

I am so very, very sorry. Please also send our condolences to your dad. He sounds like a good man who just made a mistake anyone could make. It's very easy to leave things toxic to our feathered friends setting around, especially if you're not used to having waterfowl that think anything liquid is something to drink.
So sorry emmajane and tell your dad so too. and maybe encourage him to have some things on hand so if anything like this happened again he would be able to move quickly. not sure if it would have helped Ally but it's always good to be prepared.

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