Blind? Vertigo? Neurological? Chick has no balance or stability.


7 Years
Aug 8, 2013
One of our chicks has me stumped. She has no balance at all and no stability. I can stablize her and she'll just flop over to her side, usually to her left. When she walks, she stumbles, rolls, tumbles, and either gets herself up against the side and is good leaning or just lays down on her side to rest. She eats and drinks fine with some assistance. Her legs and feet seem to be working normally. She does shake a bit when trying to balance but other than that I don't see any physical reason why she can't walk.

Today, I took out all the pine shavings and put down rubber shelf liner so she doesn't slip as much. She does appear to be more upright than not now so it may be helping. I'll keep helping as long as I see improvements. Any ideas on what this is?
How old is she? It sounds like it may be neurological, maybe from heredity, brain damage, or a vitamin deficiency. Does she have any twisting or abnormal neck position? I would treat the whole flock with chick vitamins for awhile--Avian Super Pack is a good brand online, and the feed stores have some available. She may out grow it. Here is a good site to read about chick problems and treatments:
I've confirmed she is not blind. She is eating and drinking still. Not much improvement in the balance. Thinking about fitting some kind of walker on her. Lol she's otherwise a seemingly happy chick. Just spends too much energy trying to stand.
This is great! I'll have to try something like that. She could do better if she could just stay upright.
@mp5girl I'm looking for an update on your chick. I see it's been a year since your post. I hatched a duckling 4 days ago and he has no ability to stand unless he is propped against something. His legs go like crazy but just no balance. I have been treating with B complex and poly-vi-sol drops. I think he is improving but hard to say for sure. Should I hold out hope for him? I have a second duckling that just developed Wry Neck today, so I'm wondering if my eggs came from vitamin deficient ducks?
Unfortunately she passed within the week. Never figured out what the problem was. :( I hope yours does better!!
Ok, thanks for the update, albeit a little disappointing. At least I can be prepared for the worst. :-/

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