Blister like thing on the comb, what is it?


8 Years
Jul 25, 2011
Some of my chickens have had a white blister like thing come up on their comb. This white thing turns black after a couple of weeks, and then falls off. Anyone got an idea what this is? Should I be worried? If so how does one treat it? Avian Pox - How To Treat Your Chickens For Avian Pox

Warty Growths on Comb
The appearance of warty growths or sores on the fleshy parts of a chicken's head is not usually a health risk that the producer should be concerned with. These lesions are produced as the bird's response to fowl pox virus injected by a mosquito. The condition appears more serious than it actually is. A scab forms as the bird develops a resistance to the viral disease organism. The bird will not usually show other effects to the disease and will recover within a short time unless complications arise.
A more detailed discussion of fowl pox is included in

I hope these links help!!! GOOD LUCK! and Hello too!!
Thanks Sally Sunshine.
It's rather funny, I'm retired RN, I asked my wife who is also a RN if chickens could get chicken pox, because I thought that was what it looked like. We laughed at the thought, after all only humans get chicken pox right? Who would have thought any thing like "Avian pox".
The artical was very informative and relieved my mind greatly.
Thanks Sally Sunshine.
It's rather funny, I'm retired RN, I asked my wife who is also a RN if chickens could get chicken pox, because I thought that was what it looked like. We laughed at the thought, after all only humans get chicken pox right? Who would have thought any thing like "Avian pox".
The artical was very informative and relieved my mind greatly.
LOL I hope it helps you guys!! Keep in touch!! pics when you can ~!

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