Jan 20, 2023
Although I am happy with their egg production the increase of egg size is lacking . Getting small to small medium after roughly 8 wks of laying. If memory serves me our RIR and BAR RKS were dropping bombs at this age Any input from Australorp keepers welcomed. Same layer feed used on previous flocks with all day free range. Not going to trade them in just curious on their size production. Described as med to large egg layers.
My Black Australorp, Little, laid a 17 gram egg as her, and my, first egg. She lives up to her name as laying the smallest eggs of my flock. They are usually in the 50-58 gram range. The other two BAs lay anywhere from 58 (small for them) to 64 grams.

Little did lay the biggest egg I ever got: 71 grams, a double yolk. I felt badly for her.
Good Toledo! Has she been on extended vacation in the Bahamas since laying that one?
No. It was just the one time, thank goodness.

This info blew my mind: when an egg starts down the pipe, it's small end first. When it's laid, it comes out round end first. So, at some point, it's sideways... Ow... Just... Ow...
Same layer feed used on previous flocks with all day free range.
This doesn't have any impact on the egg size.

My BA lays a large pinkish brown egg and she lays well up until her molt and starts up pretty early in the spring. Still going strong at over 5 years old.
Here you go

Balling Charlie Brown GIF by Peanuts
Now we're talkin'! :celebrateThe younger birds by 8 wks have started to lay getting 5-6 out of 7 hens a day. BUT THESE ARE PING PONG BALLS. from the younger.
Enjoy them! The yolk to albumen ratio is much better in smaller pullet eggs. The big pullet eggs only contain more albumen which makes them more watery.

The older them hen the bigger the yolk.
The best part of the whole deal is first and foremost is flavor, cracking them in the pan the yolks and whites stand higher unlike store bought "fresh" that lay flat as a floor. Fresh little ones are still better hands down than XL store bought. :thumbsup
This doesn't have any impact on the egg size.

My BA lays a large pinkish brown egg and she lays well up until her molt and starts up pretty early in the spring. Still going strong at over 5 years old.
I know they are slightly smaller in size to the Rock Types and the free range is more for their contentment. First time with the Lorps and was curious. I think it might be "ME", impatient.:he

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