Blocked Vent


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
One of our two-year old Wyandott hens had a partial, very soft and flimsy egg shell partially stuck in her vent. We noticed it one afternoon and that evening we were able to catch her and pull it out. It was very apparent that she had been trying to push it out for I don't know how long and that the opening around her vent was very inflamed. We washed the area with clean water and sprayed an herbal solution that's supposed to help with healing. Is there anything else we should do? What causes this and is there a risk of infection or could this kill a hen?
you could try some preparation H if its swollen. Was the egg broken? Are you sure it all came out?

It sounds like an almost egg. It happens sometimes, but it could be that the bird needs more calcium. Im sure others here have more ideas as to why, but I can tell you that the best treatment that I have found for prolapse or swelling in that area is prep H.
Good luck!
Yes, the egg was definitely broken. It wasn't a whole shell. It was very soft and folded in half. It was half in and half out of the vent and was very easy to pull out.
Give her a crushed up Tums sprinkled on some kind of soft treat like cottage cheese or scrambled egg. Does she have free access to crushed oyster shell? Low calcium could be the problem. Is she eating layer feed?
She has oyster shell and crushed egg shells mixed in with her lay mash. We'll try the Tums. Thanks for the suggestion.

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