Blood in nest box


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
Hi guys, one of my chickens starting laying two days ago. I had one egg, the next day she didn't lay, and today she laid again, but there is some blood in the nesting box. The egg had a couple dots on it, the straw had some spots of blood and the sides of the nesting box have smears from when she must have been turning around and rubbing on it. I have read that some blood on the egg is normal as their parts are stretching when they first start laying (which I can totally understand lol) ...but I haven't read anything about blood in the nesting box, so I just wanted to double check. I'm guessing just wait a few days and see if it goes away?
I hope someone with more expertise sees this and answers but I will try and help. I've had a couple of my girls do the same thing when they first started. I kept a watch and it stopped on it's own. That doesn't mean much, lol, but it's what happened here. I would say if it continues for more than a few days or there is a lot of blood, you would need to post again or get her to a Vet if you have one near who will see chickens.
Thank you! - yes I'm hoping it will just go away. Just seemed like more blood than I would expect...but she is laying fairly large eggs for her first ones.
Thank you! - yes I'm hoping it will just go away. Just seemed like more blood than I would expect...but she is laying fairly large eggs for her first ones.
Okay...a word to the wise. Always take pictures if you have a camera. I know that sometimes this can be darned near impossible, but try. You wouldn't believe how many right on diagnoses have been made because of a picture.
Okay...a word to the wise. Always take pictures if you have a camera. I know that sometimes this can be darned near impossible, but try. You wouldn't believe how many right on diagnoses have been made because of a picture.
Well, I don't have a picture of the bird since I haven't examined them yet, but I do have a picture of amount of blood. Great point, don't know why I didn't upload!

She seems much better! Just a few specks of blood on the egg. Nothing anywhere else. Thanks for asking! Hopefully it was just a tough egg :)
She seems much better! Just a few specks of blood on the egg. Nothing anywhere else. Thanks for asking! Hopefully it was just a tough egg
I'm so glad! I hadn't heard so wanted to check back and let you know you and your girl hadn't been forgotten. Something else that came to mind, if she starts to have a white discharge from her vent, post it. Don't trouble trouble, lol, just keep an eye out and if this should happen seek help. There is nothing here to make me think this will be the case with your bird. Just something I ran into and had no idea about until it happened to me. Look up Gleet here on BYC and read all you can. This way if it should happen you already know what to do. Lol, it's medical kit for my birds keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'm trying to have some of most of the emergency stuff available just in case. So far most of it sits there but I know I have it when I need it.
Morning I woke to find blood in chicken coop and 1 egg with some blood on it. I will take pictures and post a little later. We have 6 chickens and I think this is the 3rd one to start laying. The earlier posts were helpful and calming. But when I looked at it. It reminded me of when I gave my cats "organic" cat food and one must have been allergic to something in it, because she had bloody runs. I just converted slowing the chickens to an organic pellet from regular crumbles. Could this be a problem? I will check names of each feed and take pictures. Thank you for any thoughts you may have.

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