blood in the eggs if I don't have a roo?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 2, 2007
salt lake city, Ut
I'm getting eggs with blood in them and I don't have a roo. Any ideas? I need help.
Its normal. Its just a small amount of tissue thats released along with the yolk. Usually it is a lack of Vitamin A. Supplementing your flock with a dose of Vitamin A and the spots shoud disappear.
Blood spots have nothing to do with a roo in your hen house. There are always blood spots in eggs but most are so small you can't see them with the naked eye. Spoon them out. The eggs are still fine to eat. The bloodspot are just part of the biological materials that compose the eggs. You may even find 'meat' spots which is nothing more than a little tissue that sloughed off during the formation of egg. Just spoon it out. If the thought makes you 'ookie' then feed it to your animals. They won't mind. It's all good.
so do you HAVE to spoon them out or are the ok to eat with them not taken out?

The blood spots are caused by a blood vessel lying across the stigma of the follicle during rupture. This vessel can be minute or large enough to tinge the entire insides of the egg. It's nothing to worry about, but can look disgusting.

(The stigma is the point where the follicle is released from the ovary.)

Meat spots are as MissPrissy described and are easy enough to be rid of...especially before cooking. It WILL be a bit more rubbery in texture as you're chewing...but tastes like chicken!

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