Blood in the meat


Yoga...The Chicken Pose
11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Fuquay Varina, NC
We killed some birds today because they could no longer walk because of the size and the heat. The looked like they weren't going to pull through the day panting and refusing to get up.

We ended up rushing because a storm was rolling in and we didn't bleed them out. Looks like the blood pooled into the breast meat. Is it safe to eat these, or did I just screw up and I'm out 2 birds?
Awesome, we just finished cleaning them and I threw them in the brine as I usually brine them with a lot of salt and garlic in the water. Hopefully that will take care of it. :)

We were hoping to enjoy one for Sunday dinner this week after we've had such a crazy week and I won't have to thaw one of the girls from our last butchering. I think 2 days with brine and the fridge should finish them nicely.

Thank you!
I had a case about a year ago where a bobcat killed my hen while she was out free ranging with the rest of my little flock. We chased the bobcat away, but poor Tyra was already dead. It took me awhile to butcher her, because I had never done it before. Folks on this forum suggested I brine her for 48 hours and the meat was very flavorful. No big problem that I hadn't been able to bleed her out as thoroughly as if I had butchered her in a more traditional manner.

You might try smoking the second bird...if you have a smoker that is. The slow cooking plus the nice smoky flavor will probably counteract any issues with the meat.
I've always wanted to try smoking meat, but I am yet to venture into it.

I guess now I'm raising my own birds for meat, I may want to try it this year :) Thanks!
Every year when Cornish game hens go on sale we pick up about six and throw them in the smoker. You can either strip the meat and freeze it or freeze them whole. Then, when you are invited to a social gathering, or hosting one of your own, grab one of the smoked birds out of the freezer, defrost and cut the meat into small cubes and mix it in a bowl with some mayonnaise. It makes the most wonderful smoked chicken salad/spread. Put it on a cracker and you have an instant appetizer that folks will love.

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