blood on egg is this normal

cary 1973

7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Henderson Nevada aka Las Vegas
just collected eggs from coop and found this egg I know its my little bit egg she is acting fine but this looks like blood dose anyone else ever find like this and should I be worried. little bit is acting normal but just layed this egg some time between 4pm last night and 9am this am

Sometimes as an egg passes it causes a small tear, or burst blood vessel in the hen's vent. It's more common with new layers and nothing to worry about, though it does look alarming. Examine your hen's vent for any signs of pecking or mites as well, as this could also cause bleeding.
checked her vent its nice and pink and kinds most in the vent hole area. shes eating normal kinda ticked off at me as I took her from the front yard to do a complet body check on her. other then the little blood she seems complet normal thak you for your reply i will try not to stress out on her.
A little blood now and again os normal. Sometimes when they are laying they might break a blood vessel. Not to worry unless it happens often or if their is a larger amount of blood.

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