Blood rings in eggs?


12 Years
May 14, 2007
Last night we candled our eggs in the 1st incubator. And a few of them had blood rings around the inside of the eggs. ZHas any one had this happen before. Or does any body know what causes it? I think it could it could have been that the incubators temp, some how got to warm but thats all I think could have played a role in it.
Many things can create blood rings in eggs during incubation. It is a sign that an embryo started developing and stopped (died). One cause is temperature fluctuations during incubation, which sounds like it could be your culprit. Other things could be: bacteria, young hens, poor viability (could be due to anything...nutrition, illness, etc), shipping, old eggs, rooster issue..and so on.

So I guess I should toss the eggs. Man I have only had one successful hatch. This batch was my third try. I got another incubator full of eggs. I started them yesterday, so hopefully I will get it right this time. I am very persistant and hard headed. And I am going to get a batch hatched if it is the last thing I do!!:mad:
I wouldn't remove a blood ring unless you're absolutely sure that's what it is. I don't candle until day 14, so I don't make premature decisions. I've seen what appeared to be a blood ring were actually unusual vein networks and developed fine.


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