Blood splattered coop


May 25, 2013
My kids went out to get eggs the other day, and came in to tell me there was little spots of blood all over the coop. Sure enough, specs of blood flung high and low, in the nesting boxes, and in the main part of the coop, all over the watering bucket. Examination of all six chickens and we found a couple spots on our white chicken on her feathers, but other than that we can't find any evidence of any injuries on them, or even bloody feet or beaks from putting up a fight. We can't find a rodent or other carcass if it was something they killed that got into the coop. Any ideas on what it would be? Could they have fought something off that got into their coop and not gotten any injuries themselves, but left no dying or dead predator? I've never seen anything in our backyard, we haven't had rodent problems that we've been aware of.
Could they possibly be pooping blood? Sounds far fetched but gees idk. I deal with black snakes in my coop but that's not what this is. They will peck a weaker chick to death. But again,blood wouldn't be splattered spiratically. All I can suggest is watch for bloody stool. You said there are no wounds on only other suggestion I have is to install a nanny cam. Perhaps whatever is going on can be captured on film! I'm so sorry I'm like the worst help. Don't be discouraged about no real answers yet. Someone is bound to have a better hypothesis than I. God bless.
None of their poop was bloody. Hopefully it was a one time thing and it will probably remain a mystery!
I had something similar to this happen a couple of years ago, although a few of the blood spatters looked pretty significant…inside a secure coop. The only thing I could figure was I found they had a mite infestation, and I thought maybe the mites were chewing them to pieces at night causing them to bleed. I did lose my one huge, sweet broody Dark Brahma to anemia, she died in my arms. I felt so bad when I realized she was covered in mites (eeew, I know). Once I treated everyone and cleaned the coop out, the mite problem subsided, and so did the blood smears.

There are threads here on how to check for mites if you are not familiar with the problem.

God luck!
I had this once when I had to keep them confined for a while, the only blood was on the chicken's head- even a white hen like yours! the blood spots were on the feeder, waterer,roosts and nesting boxes. connected the dots after a while, here are the dots. 1. only white chickens get bloody heads. 2. blood spots stopped after one of the white hens fell sick and had to be put down. 3. that same white hen is a bit of a bully to other chickens. 4 the white hens all sleep on the same roost for some reason. conclusion- one of the white hens was pecking the others and it all stopped when she died! very weird situation.. hope it resolves.
I've had it with laying hens....

Some splattered blood on the nesting boxes, seed to be from egg laying as the egg also had blood spots on the shells. Only happened a couple of times, even have some eggs with a few blood spots on the shells now and then.
I've had it with laying hens....

Some splattered blood on the nesting boxes, seed to be from egg laying as the egg also had blood spots on the shells. Only happened a couple of times, even have some eggs with a few blood spots on the shells now and then.
So is it the retired senior hens that you are trying to acquire now, ??? and provide them LUSH SPAS to enjoy their GOLDEN YEARS....... ?
My hens aren't messy layers. Never do their eggs have blood on them and very rarely will I see a little poop. SlingshotlandLAR:are you seeing blood on your layers eggs and wherever else? Oh my that is not good. Forgive me if I'm wrong.

I only seen it once in the coop and it was in a nesting box, when I saw a couple times I mean a couple times ever. Over the corse of years maybe twice, I have no other explanation for the blood spatter except to surmise it was from egg laying.

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