bloody pip on day 17


7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
Suffolk VA
I have 15 mixed mille fleur and Porc. d'uccle eggs on day 17. They go into lock down tomorrow. I just started to turn them tonight and one of them has a small pip on the side with a little blood around the cracked edges.. What the heck ? The chick is chirping in the shell. None of the others have any sign of pipping. There is about 20 standard eggs in the incubator with these eggs and all these look OK on the outside. My humidity was about 35% at the time, I have since raised it to about 65 % just in case some others decide to pip. I totally did not expect this... All of the eggs in this incubator should go into lock down tomorrow. Has anyone had this happen before ?
what's your question? is it normal for the chick to hatch on day 18? I mean i always have pips on day 18 and chirping. They never make it out till day 20 or 21 though. Maybe your temps were a little high which would decrease the incubation time.
It's not day 18, it's day 17. Only 1 egg is pipped and the pip has red around the edges. These eggs were not even supposed to go into lock down until tomorrow...It's not normal to hatch on day 18.
Yeah but it happens. They aren't hatched yet they're pipped. Yeah technically that's not normal either but it happens sometimes. You got some anxious ones. Sometimes I have pips on 18 but they take forever to hatch. I don't think there's anything you can do to stop it
The egg is about the same this morning. I can see movement inside & hear little chirps. One more little egg has a small pip too. I just went ahead and put the whole incubator on lockdown 1 day early, hope that was not a mistake to do. I was reading on here about that it's not unusual for little bantam eggs to pip on day 18.
I have had eggs pip and hatch on day 18. 21 days is the average, but depending on the egg's size and incubation factors like temperature, they can hatch anytime from day 16-30. Keep an eye on the pipped one and keep the humidity high (that was a good idea). Good luck with your hatch!
I hatch silkies and D' Uccles too. They do come early. Most of them. I have them start hatching on day 19 with the majority hatching on day 20. And some stragglers hatching on day 21. I think the bantams hatch on the normal a little early. If your baby is alive and chirping I wouldn't be too concerned. Good luck!
So glad to report I have the cutest little fuzzy butt out of its shell. It's a porc. d'uccle baby. I now have 3 more with pips on the little eggs. My other incubator has 20 standard eggs that are on day 19, so far 9 pips & 2 hatched in that incubator. It's going to be a busy weekend... :)
Well so far of the 50 + eggs that I had in the 2 incubators, I have 26 fuzzy butts running around and 10 more eggs pipped. Going to be another long night....

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