Blu-Kote mistake.... ideas please!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 17, 2013
Rutherfordton, NC
So one of my chicks got a nick on her middle toe. Being the over-cautious Mom I decided it needed cleaning and protection. So, I cleaned it off with witch hazel and dabbed on some blu-kote to keep the other chicks from pecking at the little sore.
Bad idea.
The blu-kote is acting like a pecking magnet now! The other girls made a beeline for the little toe and now her little nick is a nice open sore. :-( I kept her separated from the flock over night with her own food and water, in the coop with them so she wasn't alone. But I cannot get the blu-kote off for anything! Her little sore looks much better but I have to keep her separated because of the stupid blue stain! I've tried witch hazel, acetone (just on the nail part, not her sore), alcohol (not on the sore, just on the skin), and soap and water. Any other ideas?? I feel awful for marking her as a target now.... How long will it take this stuff to just wear off? My coop floor is sand so I thought that would help, but since it is on top of her toe it really isn't helping much.
Any ideas would be appreciated... I hate keeping her confined because of my dumb idea. :-(
No problem- I use blu kote myself on baby chick feet and other areas when there is an injury. But I always follow it with Rooster Booster Pick no more lotion around the site (not directly in the wound) so that if they peck the area it tastes bad. They wipe beak, wipe beak! It kind of resembles molasses and it needs to be reapplied daily.
Thanks, i'll have to get some of that for next time... hoping there isn't one, but they are chickens after all! This one looks like it is finally starting to fade.. and I think she may be enjoying having a food dish all to herself, ha ha! I'm hoping maybe just one more day. Thanks again!

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