Blue and green eggs from the same chicken!


11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Bay Area, CA
They say that Easter-eggers only lay one color, but I've got one that does two and a half colors!

I know it's from the same chicken, my Easter-egger Cupcake, because she's the only EE I have! But so far, I've gotten blue eggs, green eggs, and green with brown speckles. It's always an adventure. I might add that the inside of even the green eggs (with brown specks) is blue. I suspect it has something to do with what the chickens are eating, what color Cupcake's eggs are, but truth be told, I don't know! But I'm not complaining.
That's very interestesting. I have several EE's and I can tell whose egg is whose by color, texture, and shape. The color seems to vary very little day to day, but they have consistantly gotten a little lighter in color as the years go by (mine are all 4+years old)

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