Blue Andalusians - 3 weeks - Are they all blue or is the one a splash?


Eggstactic for Pretty Eggs
15 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Glendale, AZ
I have 4 blue andalusian chicks I purchased from our feed store. I've read that "Blue is a diluting gene for black. So, 50% of your Blue Andalusians will hatch blue, and 25% will be black. The last 25% will be "splash,"

Can any of you tell me what color chicks I have here. I'm pretty sure that 3 of them are blue, but am wondering whether or not the lighter chicks is a splash (sorry for the blurriness - these chicks are active).



I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I only plan on keeping 2 blue andalusians and didn't want another splash chicken (already have 2). Hopefully, I'll be able to see their true colors by 6 weeks of age?

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