Blue Andalusians? Pullets or Roos?


Jun 4, 2016
Oregon, USA
Hey all! I am going to be including three photos of each of my "Blue Andalusian" chicks. We bought these from a breeder and she said pullets. I am semi-trusting that determination right now! I have a few questions and I would love to see if you guys could help me out!
1) She said Blue Andalusian... I only see black. They are 5 weeks. Input?
2) I was told pullets. One is a little smaller with a short and kind of stubby tail. The other is slightly larger with a good 2-3" tail. The long tail (chick #1) has really taken to having stand offs with my Welsummer Roos.

Thank you all ahead of time,

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I believe they will be more black than blue, although I have had some younger ones surprise me before but these will most likely stay dark like this.
Awesome! I was really hoping for the blue, but I think black hens would look great in my mix! We have Egyptian Fayoumis and Crested Cream Legbars as well :)
Thank you again!
Hi. Can someone help me to sex my Dominique chick? Its 3 months old. It is really friendly yet it can be a little tiger sometimes lol.




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