blue/black/splash Frizzle Naked Neck Green-Eggers / possible fibromelanotics

My dozen eggs from Dipsy Doodle Doo resulted in 8 chicks. I love the splash frizzle and the barred frizzle. Very pleasant chickens. A small percentage do not have naked necks, but all are very pretty.
Waiting patiently for green eggs.
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My dozen eggs from Dipsy Doodle Doo resulted in 8 chicks. I love the splash frizzle and the barred frizzle. Very pleasant chickens. A small percentage do not have naked necks, but all are very pretty.
Waiting patiently for green eggs.
I am jealous! I ordered FNN from someone else and was disappointed with only 1 of 9 being frizzle and naked necked, so your percentage seems much better (and dare I say honest!). I will be ordering from this thread next spring! Can't wait!

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